1·His heart began a crazy rhythm, and an intense anxiety took hold of him.
2·Through this intense anxiety on test performance and harm the common description, I believe you are very clear.
3·Monitoring panic attacks. Keeping track of when and where the intense anxiety strikes can help you recognize your triggers and understand how to respond in different situations.
4·Later material showed her intense anxiety and need to distinguish herself from toys and dolls, about which she said: "toys are not like me, they break to pieces and don't get well."
5·Panic attacks are an intense fear that lasts a short period and are more intense than any other type of anxiety.
6·In dreams we recall earlier episodes from our lives, and we often experience intense feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety or joy.
7·Using mice as models, they learned that intense light enhances fear or anxiety in mice, which are nocturnal, in much the same way that darkness can intensify fear or anxiety in diurnal humans.
8·This year Rafael benitez's team have no such comfort. Ambition and anxiety will be at their most intense.
9·For some people, the anxiety is intense and relentless.
10·The fact cannot be ignored that college students have to face an increasingly intense competition in the job market, which brings about anxiety about their future.